Sunday, March 21, 2021

Ugh...Cravings are a b**ch

During my healing journey, cravings have been my biggest challenge.
In the beginning, eggs were a big one. Sugar cravings pop up every so often. And salt is my current challenge.

On this lazy Sunday morning, my craving is what once was my favorite breakfast. My favorite breakfast at a restaurant was a veggie omelet with cheese, hash browns, toast (preferably rye, but sourdough worked too) with butter, and black coffee. At home, it was a couple of eggs cracked into a pan, swirled around with a fork, mixed with cheese and dried parsley, garlic salt, and pepper, put in between two pieces of toast. And black coffee.

My mouth is wanting that savory sensation. 
My body knows that type of breakfast is no longer an option.

I have already had herbal tea and a banana this morning. And I have plenty of apples and oatmeal to eat. But I keep remembering the savory breakfasts of yore.

To help with this craving in the past, I have done food prep of diced hash browns mixed with veggies, white beans, turmeric, garlic salt, and dried oregano. And if I have it, avocado. Though, I eat this for dinner, not breakfast because, according to the Medical Medium (if I remember correctly), fats are a burden on your liver early in the day; you'll give yourself a better chance at healing by eating your small amount of fats later in the day.

Today, I am running low on supplies. A trip to pick up groceries will happen this coming week. I have hash browns, but I have no suitable veggies. I do have spinach, but that does not sound good with hash browns. It does sound good in an omelet, which I cannot have. Not so much can't but won't because the last couple of times I ate an omelet, my body so did not appreciate it.

Some days I long for that seeming freedom of food choice. That seeming freedom to walk into any restaurant and eat whatever sounded good to me at the time. I say "seeming" because I am pretty sure I have had viruses and toxic heavy metals since birth. In the early days, it seemed that I could eat anything and it did not bother me physically (that I was aware of).

These days, I do have freedom to choose whichever fruits and veggies I so desire from the grocery store. Aside from the current pandemic, going into a restaurant provides challenges because the foods most people eat are not conducive to health. I hear some people wanting to argue that point. I'll refer those of you who disagree to the Medical Medium website.

I think it is the simplicity that I miss more than I am actually missing the taste of the egg, cheese, hash brown, rye toast, and black coffee breakfast. The not having to pay attention to every little thing on the menu. The not having to become an encyclopedia of how to make every meal on the planet so that you know whether or not you can eat it. The not having to read every ingredient on the label. The not having to understand what all the ingredients are on the label so you know whether or not it's harmful. 

But, here I am. A virtual encyclopedia of food and ingredients. What's done is done. I am now who I am now. And I am thankful to Anthony "Medical Medium" William and Spirit, Vani "Food Babe" Hari, and Fran Drescher's Cancer Schmancer for their help. There is so much to remember that it is nice to have resources to go to to remind myself if I ever forget.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

March Forth

Today (March 4th) I marched forth into a vaccination clinic to get my first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

I know there are people who do not want the vaccination because they don't like vaccinations period. They have their journey in life. I have mine.

My life journey lead me to taking the COVID-19 vaccine.

I'm not one to take every flu vaccine every year. I used to. But I haven't had a flu shot since 2016. Prior to 2016, I was sporadically getting flu shots. Back in 2009, I did get the H1N1 vaccine. And I chose to go ahead and get the COVID-19 vaccine.

Prior to 2016, when I did get a flu shot, I would get soreness at the site of injection, and then I'd feel as though I actually had the flu for which I got the shot. This is why I had begun to sporadically NOT get the flu shot every year. Apparently, the "I feel like I'm sick after getting a flu shot" response is actually your immune system responding appropriately.

Since 2016, I have chosen to not get a flu shot. I have not felt sick since 2016. Nor have I suffered from seasonal allergies like I used to prior to 2016. I have not needed to use allergy medication on a daily basis. All this because I have been eating healing foods and taking healing supplements since reading Medical Medium. 

I have healed a lot since starting my healing journey in 2016. I react differently now to not so good for you foods compared to how I used to. So, I had concerns about getting this vaccine because I wasn't sure how my body would tolerate it.

When the Pfizer vaccine first came out, there were reports that people were having severe allergic responses. That added to my list of concerns. The vaccines in my area are from Moderna. So that eased some of my concern about the allergic reactions.

As I mentioned in my book (which most people have not read), this is not our first rodeo down here on Earth. We have all lived these specific lives more than once because this is an important time in our human evolution, so we are all invested in a successful outcome. (Although it may not look like it, we are actually on track for a successful outcome.) Most people don't actually remember being down here in these lives before. Though occasionally some people kinda sort of do (deja vu). I actually remember some of the previous times. Usually I am helped to remember by my spirit guides so that I don't make the same mistakes this time around.

That said, this is why I chose to go ahead and get this COVID-19 vaccine. There was a previous version of this life when I did not get the vaccine. In that version of life, I got married and went out and about living my married life and I was happy, but I ended up getting COVID-19 and I died from it. So, having been reminded of that, I chose to get the vaccine so that I could go out and about and be happy for longer (and hopefully married too).

I was also reminded of another previous version (oh yeah, we've done this way more than a few times) where I got the vaccine, but I was so worried about it that I ended up giving myself a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine that I did not recover from (I died). So why would I get the vaccine now? Because I remembered that it was not the vaccine that caused the problem for me, it was me worrying myself to death, literally. So that meant I needed to figure out how to stay calm this time.

One of the ways I calmed myself, was to educate myself on the vaccine: 

I also prayed for assistance. Immediately, I was reminded of this technique that Anthony "Medical Medium" William once told us about in one of his Facebook chats. I wish I could remember the name he called it. I tried to find it on his blog so that I could link to it, but I can't remember enough about it to get any results. So I'm left with my memory of the technique which is to raise your hand with an open fist (like you're holding a bar, a hollow fist vs a tight fist). This is signaling the angels that you are requesting your open fist to be filled with healing light. When you feel that your fist is full, empty the light into your water and then drink it. I emptied my light into the orange juice I had and drank that. 

Then, as I was getting dressed, I looked at my energy jewelry (from Energy Artist Julia) and asked, "Who wants to got out with me today?" Basically, I'm not just asking the energy of the jewelry, I'm asking my spirit guides to help me pick out the best/most helpful energy for me to be connected to for the time I'm out and about. 

The first energy piece was my OM pendant. It is no longer available on the artist's website, but the brief description left on my Pinterest pin is that it helps raise your spiritual vibration and clear your chakras. This energy piece has been with me on most of my pandemic journeys. On occasion, I have forgotten to wear any jewelry when I went out, and I noticed that I felt off and things didn't seem to be going well, and that's when I realized that I wasn't wearing any jewelry. 

 And then I felt that another energy piece answering my call. This one is The Miracle Fish. By tracing the image, you lift up your "negative/earth bound issues" and bring down the "heavenly/good attributes." Basically, let go and let God. When I trace the image, I like to say, "As in Heaven, so below."

After supporting myself with good positive energies, I drove to the vaccination location. There were a lot of people. The vaccination registration website had scheduled anywhere from 34 to 44 vaccinations every 5 minutes at this location. When I drove up to the building, parking was interesting. I quickly realized that I was going to have to park on the street somewhere. I'm not the greatest at parallel parking. I was just about to turn left at the intersection just past the building when a car pulled out from their street spot right at the corner. So I pulled in right after they left. Easy peasy. Masks were required in the building. But there was absolutely no social distancing going on while standing in the line to get into the building all the way to getting to the seat with the person administering the vaccination.

Most of the people there to get their vaccines were 65 and older. I am not that old yet. My state opened eligibility this week to people 65 and older, and people with certain medical conditions. One of those medical conditions is having a BMI over 40. That's me. Severely obese. I guess that's one good thing about being fat right now is that it got me eligible to receive my 1st vaccine dose earlier than if I had to wait for my age category. Perhaps that's why my body had not yet begun to lose a lot of weight after 5 years of being on my healing journey. The universe was helping me all this time and I didn't even realize it until now.

The lady who gave me my vaccination read over my consent form. We briefly discussed allergic reactions. I wrote on the form and also mentioned to her that I have a lot of food allergies and sensitivities, but nothing I have ever needed an epi-pen for. That did not seem to concern her as far as the vaccine goes. She was an excellent vaccine giver. I turned my head so that I wouldn't see the needle. She wiped my arm, air dried it a bit, then pinched my arm. I felt a slight poke from the needle, but it was one of the better shot in the arms I have received. My mom reported feeling the vaccine itself burn a bit as it was injected. I have felt that sensation in the past with other vaccinations, but I did not experience it with this one. Either my body is better able to handle vaccinations now, or I just lucked out and got a really skilled vaccination giver. Or both.

I sat and waited for 15 minutes. Some people that came in after me mentioned to the observer person that they were told to wait for 30 minutes because of their personal medical history. While I waited, I signed in to the vsafe site on my phone. 

About 6 hours later, I got a vsafe check in text. I reported that I had a mildly sore arm, a mild headache, and some mild muscle pain. I also had been to the bathroom with evacuations typical of when I am having a detox response (not nausea induced, the other end). But they didn't ask about that.

Going on about 9 hours now, and my headache is a little better. The muscle pain is a little better. My arm is still sore. And I have been to the bathroom with another detox response evac. So, I am not sure what that means for me. Am I already detoxing the vaccination? I don't know.

My mom ended up being tired the next day after her shot. So we'll see if I too end up being tired tomorrow. In case I am tired tomorrow, I ran the dishwasher tonight so I don't have to do dishes for a day or two. And, I have food prepped. So all I need to do is get to the fridge and sit back down to eat. And dinner is just sticking it in the microwave to warm it up for a couple of minutes.

Whatever you decide for yourself about the vaccine...
"Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well." -- 3 John 1:2

Monday, October 19, 2020

My Healing Journey: The Holidays

I am STILL on my healing journey. I have made progress, but my healing is still in progress. Some days I wish that my healing progressed far enough to positively affect my weight noticeably. But, there are signs that I am healing (like strong detox responses, for example). My healing is just not so much with the noticeably...yet.

Although, my friend says she has noticed my acne seems to have cleared up. And it has, sort of. My face doesn't have so many red splotchy marks. But I notice the little pops that come up every once in awhile. Usually when I am having a strong detox response. So, of course I focus on that. But shifting my focus from negative to positive is still a healing area in progress too. I do see the positive more so now than I used to though.


Another area I am still working on is my relationship with and my response to the holidays. 

It is Hallowthankmas 😏 time again. And that means traditions, family, and food.

When Hallowthankmas rolls around, this is what comes to my mind:

  • Pumpkin Spice Lattes 🎃☕ 😋 
  • CANDY! 🍬🍫
  • Cookies, pastries, cakes, pies! 🍪🍰🍩
  • Family 👪
  • Friends 😃
  • Rewatching Halloween movies I like (mostly the Disney type).
  • Weekends filled with Hallmark Christmas movies even thought it is not even Thanksgiving yet. And in recent years, it is not even Halloween yet when the Christmas movies start.
  • Rewatching Christmas movies and tv shows I like (A Charlie Brown Christmas and It's a Wonderful Life for example).
  • On Thanksgiving Day, eating so much that you can barely breathe, but the second you can breathe again, bring on the pie.
  • The day after Thanksgiving means bringing out the Christmas decorations and starting the Christmas music. 🎄🎶 And bring on the peppermint mocha, hot cocoa, and matcha lattes.
  • Christmas lights. Not mine. Driving by to look at the work other people have done.
  • Presents 🎁
  • Alcohol 🍷 🎉Happy New Year!
The holidays have not always been great and wonderful for me. But, looking back, I am missing when things seemed wonderful. When I was my one grandma's favorite. Or when my other grandma baked me loaves of bread. When relatives thought I was cute and fun to be around. When life was not so complicated. When life seemed to be more exciting and life did not hurt so much.

Though I look back nostalgically, I am not the same person now that I was then. I am at a different energy level.
☝ On the one hand, I do not now wish to return to the person I once was. I have already been her.
✌ On the other hand, I continue to hang on to the person I once was through food, especially around the holidays.

I realize that I would not now be the person I am without having been the person I was first. And I like who I am now. 

Yet there is something keeping me hanging on to who I was. Probably because this is an area of healing that still needs to be done.

My body is physically reacting differently to my traditional holiday foods. Like, my body is no longer tolerating unhealthy food for long, nor is my body tolerating unhealthy amounts of food. Yet I still keep consuming these foods. Even trying to change up the recipe to a healthier more healing version from the Medical Medium website disconnects me from the nostalgic feelings. I  know it is not so much the physical aspect of the foods, it is something spiritual and emotional within me that needs the healing. When that healing happens, the food will not matter so much.

If you are ready and willing to change up some of your holiday recipes, check out the recipe blog on the Medical Medium website --

Here are some direct links to healthier holiday recipes (I have not actually tried any of these yet) --
*Links open a new window.

If you are interested in listening to any of the Medical Medium podcasts, here is one about coffee --

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Who's the scary one again?

Why the heck does this police officer appear to be so scared of a dad with his child? 
Oh yeah, they're black.

Some of the most notorious criminals in history are white. So why are too many white people so afraid of black people?
Oh yeah, racism.

This crap has to stop. 

Time to cancel racism. 

Time to cancel hate.

It is time for love.

It is time to rise up out of the darkness of hate and into the light of love.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Time to Shine

Now is the time to shine the light of you.

There are those who have been comfortable in the dim and the dark who will shout to turn off the light. For far too long, we listened to them.


No more.

It's been 2 years since I posted anything on my blog, not for lack of something to say, but for being overwhelmed with what to say. I cannot not say anything any longer.

For far too long, there's been an US vs THEM mentality in the world:
Village X is better than Village Y.
Social Status X is better than Social Status Y.
High School X is better than High School Y.
College X is better than College Y.
Sport A team X is better than Sport A team Y.
Job X is better than Job Y.
Country X is better than Country Y.
Gender X is better than Gender Y.
Sexual Orientation X is better than Sexual Orientation Y.
Religion X is better than Religion Y.
Skin Color X is better than Skin Color Y.

This won't change over night, but it needs to change.

Shine your light. Shine bright. Lumos maxima!


I grew up white. My school books taught me that white people created practically everything. I grew up with white Disney princesses. I grew up with white Jesus. So, like most white people, I didn't realize there was anything wrong with life on Earth.

I grew up listening to older people use racial slurs as a matter of course and laughing about it.

There was 1 black kid in my grade school, and we were not nice to her. I was probably one of the meanest people to her. I had been bullied by other kids. When she showed up in school, she had some quirks and a demeanor that made her seem weaker than me, so I bullied her and did my worst to make her feel like less in order to make myself feel like more. I started bullying her about her quirks, but I laid into her skin color. The racial slurs that I had heard come out of other people's mouths were coming out of mine. I have no idea what happened to her. She was not in my Junior High, or High School. I hope she's okay now.

I had some healing to do. I had some learning to do.

I grew up before the internet was a thing. So, it's not like I could just go on Google to learn real history instead of the white washed version I'd been taught.

People were/are part of my growth process. One of my friends in grade school was of Mexican descent. One of my friends in Junior High was of Japanese descent. One of my friends in college was of Chinese descent. And my best friend, whom I met in Junior High, was born in Iran (she is now a naturalized citizen). I'm not trying to virtue signal here. These people are how I healed. These people are how I learned.

Not everyone I tried to be friends with so that I could learn was all that into wanting to let me. Too many questions. Too intense. Too much. Not their job to teach me. Mad at me for not already knowing stuff. Even some of the people who were friends with me for awhile, got burned out.

The one person who lasted, the one person who is still in my life today, is the one person who is the most patient while I ask questions (probably a bit insensitively at times). She is my best friend, and like a sister to me. I am thankful for her.

Not all of my awakening and learning was from people/friends.  I needed to heal me. I needed to do the work of looking within. I needed to fix what was broken within. I needed to realize that I cannot control life, nor can I control people. I needed to concentrate on finding the real me.

The real me realizes that the world does not revolve around me. The real me realizes that being compassionate towards others takes nothing away from me.  The real me realizes that I lose nothing of myself by allow others to also be themselves. The real me realizes that there is no US vs THEM. The real me realizes that there is only WE. The real me realizes that I am you and you are me and we are one.

Though I consider myself woke now, I realize that I still have learning to do.

For example, when Colin Kaepernick first took a knee at an NFL game during the national anthem, I was right there with most white people asking why he was disrespecting the flag and the country. It wasn't until I heard the explanation of why he took a knee that I understood. Go Colin!

And, when Black Lives Matter first started, I was right there with most white people saying that all lives matter. It wasn't until I heard explanations that I understood. One of the explanations that helped me was something about burning houses (I wish I'd bookmarked it). The explanation was something to the effect of a neighbor's house is burning, and while all the houses in the neighborhood are worth saving, this one house that is burning right now needs the attention of the firefighters.

Right now, life on Earth is changing. For the better. We are coming out of the dark. No matter how dim your light may be at this moment in time, your light can grow. Keep shining your light. Keep learning.
1 Peter 3
10 For Whoever desires to love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit;
11 let him turn away from evil and do good; let him seek peace and pursue it.

Monday, August 27, 2018

An Open Letter to My Future Husband

Dear Future Husband,

When the time comes that you decide you're ready to propose, please, please, please DO NOT get me an engagement ring. Why? Because I see them as a sign of ownership, a sign of possession. As the man I love, I hope you know that I desire to live our lives together in partnership, as equals. Engagement rings just do not reflect that equality for me. Please do not waste your money on an engagement ring.

To start our married lives together, I would love for our wedding to be OUR wedding. Meaning that we start off our wonderful journey through life as the partners in love that we are by having things we both like at our wedding. We're choosing to blend our lives together, so we can certainly blend our styles and preferences in the ceremony and reception.

As a show of equality, respect, and admiration in our partnership of love, I'd like to ensure that the person presiding over our ceremony does not include the term "obey" in our vows, and I'd like to be pronounced husband and wife because we are both married.

Once we're married, please, please, please never use the phrase, "Happy wife, happy life." That will not make me happy. That phrase says to me that the relationship is totally one sided, that the wife is some sort of dictator, and the husband is not allowed to think or feel or be anything other than what the wife approves of. No. Not me. I do not wish to be a dictator. Our marriage is an equal partnership. I've got your back, and you've got mine.

Your future wife (aka your future partner in love),
Jennie <3

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Tarot Tuesday -- May 01, 2018

Today's question: Am I on the right path with my healing?

Today's spread: The Cross of Truth

The result:

The Four of Swords says that I am currently still convalescing, still healing. Even though I may want to be done with the process, I still need to charge my batteries and rejuvenate so that when the time comes to get a move on, I'll be ready to do just that. Things will heat up soon, so for now, just chill.
I decide when he's well. It's your turn when I say it's your turn.
I like that; the patient telling the doctor it's alright.
--Patricia Hayes as Urgl in The Neverending Story

The Ten of Cups says that I desire love and happiness in a lasting successful marriage.
This is actually one of my nightly prayers:
"I desire a happy, healthy, loving marriage."

No fear, no loss, no tears,
The time is almost here.
Our dreams will all come true, I promise you

--Robbie Robb's In Time from Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure

The Nine of Cups says that my wishes (aka desires) will come true. I will be emotionally healthy to enjoy the love and happiness coming my way. And I will be physically healthy so that I will have the stamina to enjoy the fortune of love coming my way. The 2 mice remind me to stay focused.
Raise a Green Juice to your health.

The Eight of Cups says that the challenge I will have to face is walking away from my current way of life. To realize what no longer fulfills me and walk away. To know that I have healed and let go of the past. The challenge of being myself. The mole says to let go of doubt, and just trust. 
Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back anymore
I don't care what they're going to say
Let the storm rage on
The cold never bothered me anyway
--Disney's Frozen, Let It Go

The Seven of Cups says that I will have a plethora of good choices available to me soon and warns me not to get lost in or overwhelmed by my good fortunes. Choose wisely. Don't get lost in the clouds. The dove indicates peace.
Oh, the rhythm of my heart Is beating like a drum
With the words I love you Rolling off my tongue
No never will I roam For I know my place is home
Where the ocean meets the sky I'll be sailing
-- Rod Stewart's Rhythm of My Heart

Overall, I'd say the cards are saying yes, I am on the right path. Stay focused. Good stuff is on the way.
You stay focus.
You best karate still inside you.
Now time let out.
--Pat Morita as Mr. Miyagi in The Karate Kid Part III