Tuesday, June 14, 2016

And the moral of the story is: listen to the messages from the spirits.

Last week I was in Las Vegas, NV house sitting for my friend while she was on vacation.  I was enjoying my time, relaxing, eating at restaurants, watching movies, whatever I felt like doing. Thought I had things figured out, or at least 95% figured out.

On Tuesday, June 7, I read the Facebook post of Eddie Mullins:

Yea, yea, yea, I got this.  No sweat.  Now that I know it's around, I won't succumb to the anger.

I went to lunch at Vamp'd, the restaurant of Danny "Count" Koker from History channel's Counting Cars.  Lunch was great.  The food tasted good.  The atmosphere was excellent.  My waitress was super nice.  The day was good...so far.

I had dinner at Krayvings. The parking lot was a bit of a nightmare, but once I finally found the place and got inside, I liked the decor, though the entrance is a bit odd.  My order arrived quickly.  The juice was good.  The salad was edible, but not the best ever salad.  I got a To Go box for the last half of my salad and I ordered a 32 ounce Pineapple Mojito juice to go.  I held on to the juice while looking for my keys in my purse as I walked out the door. Then I noticed I had juice on my hand, my purse, and my foot (I was wearing sandals).

Okay, so lesson learned: don't squish juice cups while looking for your keys.  I thought I handled the mess well.  I got back to the house, washed my hands, put my clothes in the laundry.  All was fine.

Then Wednesday came.

June 8th started out fine.  I went to Sambalatte, not by my friend's house, but one in the area of town where lives a guy who I thought was The One.  I got a Matcha Latte made with almond milk, & a fresh fruit bowl.  Rather expensive for every day, but it all tasted good.

Then I went to my detox foot bath appointment.  Decided to go ahead and do some sort of LED? light thing on my head to help clear out a possible infection. Got to pet a 17 year old dog named Ginger.

So far so good for the day.

I went back to the house for a little bit to find that the smoke alarm was beeping like the battery was running low.  Fabulous.  I'll deal with it later.  I wanted to go see a movie.

I decided to have a little fun and bust some ghosts; I went to see the 1984 version of Ghostbusters. One of my favorite lines: "When somebody asks you if you're a god, you say YES!"

After the movie, I was trying to decide where to go eat dinner.  I was thinking of Go Raw Cafe just down the street from the theater.  But, I also wanted to go eat at Go Vegan Cafe again, which is not too far away from where The One guy lives.  As I was deciding, I kept getting messages from the spirits to not go over to The One guy's area of town, to just stay on my side of town.  But, I didn't listen.  I went to Go Vegan Cafe.

And that's when the "fun" began.

I got fairly rotten service (or rather pretty much no service) at Go Vegan Cafe.  I ended up storming out when the 1 guy there who'd said he be back to take my order finally came out from the back and sat down to eat soup rather than take my order.

I went across the street to Jaburrito instead.  I walked in behind some lady who couldn't decide what to order and blocked the line holding everyone else up.  So, since the staff wasn't asking her to step aside, I asked her if I could go in front of her since she was still deciding.  She said yes.

However, I guess the staff didn't hear me ask and got all indignant with me so I had to stop progress and explain that I asked her if I could cut in front of her and that she said yes.  The staff reluctantly helped me.  It wasn't a big deal until they made it a big deal.  I got my 2 sushi rolls and I was on my way, irritated, but on my way.

I decided to stop by Peridot Sweets bakery while I was on that side of town to see if they had any new flavors of macarons yet.  I went a couple of days earlier and I didn't like the flavors they had.  I pulled into the parking lot and there were kids skateboarding on the sidewalk in front of the bakery.  I had to cross their path which was annoying to have to do; at least they were decent enough to wait for me to come and go.

I walked into the bakery.  The bell on the door dinged.  I walked over to the case and looked to find they still had the same macaron flavors.  And I left.  The entire time I was in there, there was no staff. I found the lack of customer service irritating.

Turning left out of that parking lot onto Rainbow was not an option at that time of day, so I turned right on the side street.  Then I turned right at the 4-way stop I came to rather than trying to go straight because I really don't like 4-way stops and turning right seemed easier.  Then I came to another 4-way stop and again turned right.  So, I ended up back to needing to turn left on Rainbow, but at a light this time.  That detour took 10 to 15 minutes.

I'm hot, I'm hungry, I've got a headache, and I'm still irritated about the bad service at Go Vegan Cafe. I ask out loud while driving, "What is wrong with today?"  I mean, it started out pretty good.  What happened?

I was reminded of Eddie's Facebook post about anger.  Ah.  Yes, I must've gotten caught up.

I finally got back to the house after dealing with rush hour traffic, and oh yeah, the beeping smoke detector.  Great, I'll deal with it after I eat.

I started up my computer, unwrapped my Jaburrito sushi rolls, and prepared to watch Brother vs Brother and participate in the live tweeting.
I enjoyed the live tweeting, but did not enjoy my chicken sushi roll.  That experiment was not a success.  I'll stick with the tamago sushi roll with wasabi mayo.

Okay, so I find a ladder in my friend's garage and realize it's too short.  So, I text her on her vacation and interrupted her watching the Dodgers game at the stadium to see if they have a taller ladder.  She said there should be a tall one next to the fridge in the garage.  So, I found the taller ladder, climbed up, managed to pull the detector off the ceiling but could not figure out where the battery would be. Tilting my head back was making me dizzy (an issue I've been healing for a couple of weeks & why I chose to do the LED? light therapy thing), so I carefully climbed down from the ladder.

I texted my friend that there was no battery and wondered if it was a carbon monoxide detector vs a smoke detector.  I used to work for a home builder and I had my own house for a couple of years, yet I could not for the life of me remember that smoke detectors are now also carbon monoxide detectors and they're all linked so that if one goes off they all go off; also couldn't remember that the battery compartment didn't pull out, it swivels.

So, after freaking out that the beeping might actually be alerting me to carbon monoxide and opening the patio doors to let in fresh hot air, my friend called the guy that helps them take care of a rental property and had him come over to check things out.  He changed the battery and the detector stopped beeping.  He was a very nice guy; he helped without making me feel stupid.  Though, after he left is when I realized I should've known all that.

At least I didn't have to try to climb the ladder again.  I was receiving messages from spirits to be very careful on the ladder because I could fall off since I've been dizzy.  Maybe that's why my brain fritzed and he needed to come over.

Finally, it's quiet.  My headache was gone since I'd eaten.  So, I dinked around on the computer. I again found my way to Eddie's Facebook posts.

So, what I got out of reading Tuesday's post again and reading Wednesday's post was that somehow I was stuck in an old way of thinking.  What was I not realizing?  What was a new way of thinking?

I then came across the Wednesday Energy Minute from Eden Energy Medicine Programs.

I did that and it helped me to clam down.  I went to bed still wondering what I needed to know.

I didn't sleep much.  When I awoke on June 9th, I celebrated Bill & Ted Day (69, Dudes!) by watching Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure while I ate breakfast.

After the movie, I felt I needed to listen to Eddie's podcast about working through change.

I found it helpful to learn that just because I'm ascending into my light body, it doesn't mean that somehow I'm supposed to be perfect.  Eddie says things don't become easier, just different.  He advised to let the change unfold; to be present with whatever is coming forward; to create space with compassion.

Eddie also said, "The best thing to do with anger is go underneath it to see what it is really about. Because, what we want to do is we wanna see inside the anger, we wanna see the emotional connection."  He advised to follow it through, to go into Observer Mode to find out what it's showing you.

The Power Animal Eddie mentions towards the end of the podcast is Squirrel.  Eddie says that Squirrel's message is that even though we have a lot going on, we have to remember to be playful.

The angel Eddie mentions towards the end of the podcast is Archangel Rafael.  Eddie says that Archangel Rafael is the comedian angel of joy, laughter, and fun.

The last thing in Eddie's podcast that I took note of was his interpretation of Squirrel and Archangel Rafael, "When we embrace joy, & when we embrace laughter, & we have fun, it helps to ground us; it helps us to move through things."

Okay.  I just go told to have some fun.  Will do.

Since it's Bill & Ted Day, I deiced I had to get gas at a Circle K.  But first, a photo:
Something's afoot at the Circle K.

Then it was Pho Kim Long time.  ;-)
If you're not laughing your butt off, then you probably don't know how to pronounce Pho.

Pho Kim Long time was hot...because I added all of the jalapeƱo slices to my Pho Ga.

I tried to use chopsticks, but my chopsticks skills are not yet up to Pho level, so I had to fork it.

I had fun.  Lunch was good.

On my way home, I pulled to the side of the road for an ambulance coming the opposite direction with it's lights on but no siren.  However, the butthead behind me decided to honk at me as he passed. Several other cars also kept driving.  Finally people realized what was going on and stopped so the ambulance could finally go.  I don't know why there was no siren; that would've helped.  But, that whole thing stuck in my craw.  Pay attention people!

That 1 incident brought up the irritation of yesterday, especially the soup eating waiter at Go Vegan Cafe.

When I got home, I did the energy thing from Donna Eden.  That helped me calm down.

Got on the computer and found this Facebook post from Dr. Wayne Dyer:

I then found my way to some information that let me know that the guy I thought was The One was so very not.  And that was what the old way of thinking message was about; that's how I was stuck.

Okay.  So now what? What's my new reality?

I realized that I didn't feel as lost as I would've been had my reality been rocked in this manner a few years ago.  And then I realized that because I'd gone through The Healing Path offered for free on the Medical Medium site, I was better able to handle this shift than I would've just months ago.  I'm glad I went through it as fast as I did.

Then, an offer on Energy Artist Julia's site came to my attention.  And the message to me was that this pendant that I've had my eye on but had not purchased was something I needed to have on my healing journey, so much so that there was a discount offered so that I'd buy it.  "The Flower of Life contains a sacred power pattern which activates energy coding within your mind, helping you access the higher vibrational presence."

Ordered it.  Watched a bit of Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey.  Went to bed.  Didn't sleep well.

Got up after a few hours of sleep and watched the end of Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey while I ate breakfast.

Then I was off to my detox foot bath appointment where I opted to do a 2nd round of that LED? light treatment thing because I noticed a significant reduction in the dizzy.

On my way back home, I stopped by Rainbow's End and got a Toxins Be Gone juice (apple & cranberry).  Hoo wee that was tart.  Stopped by Bonanza Gift Shop to pick up a Father's Day present. Then stopped by Whole Foods to get some fabric softener.

I was considering whether or not to do anything else before heading back to the house, and the answer from the spirit world was no, just go home.

Good thing I listened. Got home, put clothes in the washer, and then made a wrap out of part of the salad I got yesterday and a Cowboy Quinoa patty with some Trader Joe's Sirracha Roasted Garlic BBQ sauce. Put the clothes in the dryer and fell asleep.  I woke up when the dryer buzzed and I took my clothes out.  Then I fell back to sleep.  Woke up around 3:30 a.m. because of the rain beating down on something.  Fell back to sleep until morning.  I slept for about 12 hours.

On Saturday, I got up and still felt a bit tired.  I had a slow start to my day, and I considered not having a start at all and just staying at home all day.  But, I found my way to a post about the Health, Healing, & Happiness Expo happening over at Tuscany.  So, I showered and headed over.  I got some things I'd been wanting, like the lemon and lime doTERRA oils for putting drops in my water. Also got delicious vegan cookies, vegan chips, and organic teas and organic spices from local artisans.

At some point over the past couple of days since finding out about not being on the correct track about The One guy, I'd realized that that guy was a soul contract and that contract had been fulfilled. So, I unfollowed him on social media since following him was no longer serving my best interests.

Once I finally listened to all the messages I'd been getting from the spirit world, I finally started to progress.  I hadn't realized I was stagnant.

Once I started moving again on my healing journey, I realized why things were going the way they'd been going.  I realized that things are fine.  I realized that a soul who I'd been told was a "no go" was just stepping aside to allow me to fulfill the soul contract and he's waiting for me.  <3

I wouldn't have realized all this had I not eventually listened to the messages, and had I not kept an open mind and heart to receive.  I'm still working on my receptive abilities; it's a process to trust what I'm receiving and I am getting better at it.

Thanks to all who aided me on this journey!  Peace and love.

Don't remember where I snagged this image from, but I love it!

Friday, June 10, 2016

Going through The Healing Path offered by Medical Medium

I found my way to The Healing Path offered for free by Anthony William/Medical Medium on his website: https://www.medicalmedium.me/store/gfopp6wN .

I downloaded all the accompanying .pdf files and then started listening.

As I started to fill out the Activity Sheet for Module 1, I felt inspired to instead create a Pinterest board as my answer to, "Make a list of your favorite fruits below."

That worked out well for me, so I did that for modules 2 through 18 as well.

Doing the Pinterest boards made an impact on me.  I hadn't realized how much I was already doing but didn't realize.  Everything just hit home.  I realized I wasn't as lost as I thought I was.  I'm doing just fine on my healing journey.

Plus, doing the Pinterest boards was a creative and fun outlet for me.  Creativity and Play are 2 of the modules in The Healing Path.

I am so glad I found this course when I did, and that I completed it as fast as I did.  I completed The Healing Path in just a few days.  As it turns out, a few days after I completed the modules, some information came my way that totally shook the foundation of everything I thought I had finally figured out.  So, the fact that I had worked through these modules helped me to deal with my new reality.

My answers speak to me, but may not speak to you.  Everyone's responses to the modules should be representative of the person.