Dear Future Husband,
When the time comes that you decide you're ready to propose, please, please, please DO NOT get me an engagement ring. Why? Because I see them as a sign of ownership, a sign of possession. As the man I love, I hope you know that I desire to live our lives together in partnership, as equals. Engagement rings just do not reflect that equality for me. Please do not waste your money on an engagement ring.
To start our married lives together, I would love for our wedding to be OUR wedding. Meaning that we start off our wonderful journey through life as the partners in love that we are by having things we both like at our wedding. We're choosing to blend our lives together, so we can certainly blend our styles and preferences in the ceremony and reception.
As a show of equality, respect, and admiration in our partnership of love, I'd like to ensure that the person presiding over our ceremony does not include the term "obey" in our vows, and I'd like to be pronounced husband and wife because we are both married.
Once we're married, please, please, please never use the phrase, "Happy wife, happy life." That will not make me happy. That phrase says to me that the relationship is totally one sided, that the wife is some sort of dictator, and the husband is not allowed to think or feel or be anything other than what the wife approves of. No. Not me. I do not wish to be a dictator. Our marriage is an equal partnership. I've got your back, and you've got mine.
Your future wife (aka your future partner in love),
Jennie <3
Doing what I know to be the right thing in my life; learning to live my truth.
Monday, August 27, 2018
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Tarot Tuesday -- May 01, 2018
Today's question: Am I on the right path with my healing?
Today's spread: The Cross of Truth
The result:
The Four of Swords says that I am currently still convalescing, still healing. Even though I may want to be done with the process, I still need to charge my batteries and rejuvenate so that when the time comes to get a move on, I'll be ready to do just that. Things will heat up soon, so for now, just chill.
The Ten of Cups says that I desire love and happiness in a lasting successful marriage.
The Nine of Cups says that my wishes (aka desires) will come true. I will be emotionally healthy to enjoy the love and happiness coming my way. And I will be physically healthy so that I will have the stamina to enjoy the fortune of love coming my way. The 2 mice remind me to stay focused.
Overall, I'd say the cards are saying yes, I am on the right path. Stay focused. Good stuff is on the way.
Today's spread: The Cross of Truth
The result:
The Four of Swords says that I am currently still convalescing, still healing. Even though I may want to be done with the process, I still need to charge my batteries and rejuvenate so that when the time comes to get a move on, I'll be ready to do just that. Things will heat up soon, so for now, just chill.
I decide when he's well. It's your turn when I say it's your turn.
I like that; the patient telling the doctor it's alright.
--Patricia Hayes as Urgl in The Neverending Story
I like that; the patient telling the doctor it's alright.
--Patricia Hayes as Urgl in The Neverending Story
The Ten of Cups says that I desire love and happiness in a lasting successful marriage.
This is actually one of my nightly prayers:
"I desire a happy, healthy, loving marriage."
"I desire a happy, healthy, loving marriage."
No fear, no loss, no tears,
The time is almost here.
Our dreams will all come true, I promise you
--Robbie Robb's In Time from Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
Our dreams will all come true, I promise you
--Robbie Robb's In Time from Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
The Nine of Cups says that my wishes (aka desires) will come true. I will be emotionally healthy to enjoy the love and happiness coming my way. And I will be physically healthy so that I will have the stamina to enjoy the fortune of love coming my way. The 2 mice remind me to stay focused.
Raise a Green Juice to your health.
The Eight of Cups says that the challenge I will have to face is walking away from my current way of life. To realize what no longer fulfills me and walk away. To know that I have healed and let go of the past. The challenge of being myself. The mole says to let go of doubt, and just trust.
Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back anymore
I don't care what they're going to say
Let the storm rage on
The cold never bothered me anyway
Can't hold it back anymore
I don't care what they're going to say
Let the storm rage on
The cold never bothered me anyway
--Disney's Frozen, Let It Go
The Seven of Cups says that I will have a plethora of good choices available to me soon and warns me not to get lost in or overwhelmed by my good fortunes. Choose wisely. Don't get lost in the clouds. The dove indicates peace.
Oh, the rhythm of my heart Is beating like a drum
With the words I love you Rolling off my tongue
No never will I roam For I know my place is home
Where the ocean meets the sky I'll be sailing
With the words I love you Rolling off my tongue
No never will I roam For I know my place is home
Where the ocean meets the sky I'll be sailing
-- Rod Stewart's Rhythm of My Heart
Overall, I'd say the cards are saying yes, I am on the right path. Stay focused. Good stuff is on the way.
You stay focus.
You best karate still inside you.
Now time let out.
You best karate still inside you.
Now time let out.
--Pat Morita as Mr. Miyagi in The Karate Kid Part III
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Tarot Tuesday -- April 24, 2018
I decided to try my hand at tarot card reading. I've been interested in it for awhile. So, when I was visiting my friend in Vegas in February, and we wandered through a store with tarot decks, I bought one. It just felt like the right time to buy a tarot deck. I then let it sit for a couple of months before I opened the package because I was not yet motivated to do a reading.
Earlier in April, I got motivated to do a reading for myself to try my skills. I did the Celtic Cross, and the outcome was super positive. Lots of love in my future! :-)
The specifics of that reading I'm keeping to myself. But after that reading, I had the thought to do a tarot reading every Tuesday. And this is my first Tarot Tuesday, and my second reading.
The deck I'm using is the Gilded Tarot by Ciro Marchetti.
The book I'm using is Easy Tarot Handbook by Josephine Ellershaw.
Today's question: How are we doing in the United States?*
The spread I felt I should use is the Nine Card Spread. I closed my eyes, shuffled the cards, divided the deck into 3 piles, gathered those piles into 1, and laid out the cards using my right hand. Here is what I laid out:
The Past:
There are two fire cards (Cups) followed by an air card (Swords): Five of Cups, Four of Cups, Six of Swords.
The Present:
There are three air cards (Swords): Five of Swords, Three of Swords, Two of Swords.
The Future:
There is 1 air card (Swords) followed by 1 earth card (Pentacles), followed by 1 air card (Swords): Ace of Swords, Queen of Pentacles, Queen of Swords.
My overall interpretation:
We in the United States were disillusioned, now we're arguing, but everything will be okay.
But like, duh...anyone who's even half paying attention to what's going on now could've said the exact same thing without doing a tarot reading, right?
Well, yeah, probably. But, the cards are communicating that the spirit realm is confirming that, and reassuring that everything will turn out okay, if we work on it.
More specifically on The Past:
The Five of Cups says that we citizens of the U.S. were feeling disappointed with the way things were going. That we felt we were not being heard by our government, and we felt our voices were lost. Like the country we all loved had betrayed us. We saw only the disappointments and failures. We did not, could not, would not see that all was not indeed lost.
The Four of Cups says that we got burned out by our disappointment. So much so that we could not see, or didn't care to see, that the hand of God was working on our behalf to better things. Because we could not see this guiding hand, we felt like our voices didn't matter, so why bother caring. Like, my 1 vote doesn't matter, so why bother voting at all. Like we just decided to concentrate on "me" and let go of the stress of worrying about things we felt we could not change. A lot of us just stopped paying attention and we drank the Kool-aid.
The Six of Swords says that our long journey of disappointment, disillusionment, and hopelessness came to an end. The woman is sailing out of the Past into the Present. The sun was setting on the previous 2 cards, and then we entered the night. While we slept, we were carried out of our fog. And even though there were swords stuck in the bottom of our boat, some by ourselves and some by our enemies, we did not sink. Fear not. There is hope.
More specifically on The Present:
The Five of Swords says that after our boat ride through the night, through our disillusionment, we wake up to a new day of realizing there is deliberate deceit at work. That there are people claiming to be heroes who are not at all what they claim to be. That those people do not deserve to be heralded. We now see that some people in power who claim to be on our side are not; they are on their side. Most of us who were asleep are now woke and are paying attention again.
The Three of Swords says that now that we are waking up and seeing the deceit around us, we are angry. We are mad at the deceivers. We are mad at ourselves. We are mad at our neighbors, friends, and family. We are just mad. And as we work things out, we fight not only the deceivers, we fight ourselves as well. But we need to see that through all the fighting, we are arguing over the same love for our country. The storm can clear, and there can be a resolution, a healing.
The Two of Swords says that not everyone sees a problem going on in the United States. While some citizens are woke, some are not. Those who are not yet woke, don't see, can't see, or won't see why some people are so angry. Those citizens who have removed their blindfolds need to realize that not every U.S. citizen has done so. Yelling at someone that there is a problem when that person does not, cannot, or will not see that there is a problem is getting us nowhere. Those with blindfolds still on, are not responding to the yelling and the anger. We need a different approach. Even those who are woke are not moving us forward when all we do is yell at each other. We've created an "us" vs "them" atmosphere and we need to be creating a "we" atmosphere.
More specifically on The Future:
The Ace of Swords says if we come together to create that "we" atmosphere, we can and will triumph over this storm of anger. Our success will require everyone to dig deep inside themselves and find the strength we each need to start discussing rather than arguing so that we can bring about real change. If we can do that, we will heal ourselves, and that is something to be celebrated.
The Queen of Pentacles says that a powerful, hard working, practical, detail oriented woman will bring us into a time of prosperity. Maybe we elect a woman president who brings about this prosperity. Maybe it's actually many women (many standing as one) taking on important rolls in society and/or government who bring about this prosperity.
The Queen of Swords says after all our suffering, the light of truth will shine. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
Have faith and hope, United States. This too shall pass. We shall heal.
Earlier in April, I got motivated to do a reading for myself to try my skills. I did the Celtic Cross, and the outcome was super positive. Lots of love in my future! :-)
The specifics of that reading I'm keeping to myself. But after that reading, I had the thought to do a tarot reading every Tuesday. And this is my first Tarot Tuesday, and my second reading.
The deck I'm using is the Gilded Tarot by Ciro Marchetti.
The book I'm using is Easy Tarot Handbook by Josephine Ellershaw.
Today's question: How are we doing in the United States?*
*Actually, Josephine Ellershaw advises in the handbook to write
down your question and keep track of your interpretations.
I did not write down my question because I thought for sure
I'd remember what I asked. I did not. Not exactly.
It was something like, what is the state of the States?
So, this question is approximately what I asked.
Lesson learned.
down your question and keep track of your interpretations.
I did not write down my question because I thought for sure
I'd remember what I asked. I did not. Not exactly.
It was something like, what is the state of the States?
So, this question is approximately what I asked.
Lesson learned.
The Past:
There are two fire cards (Cups) followed by an air card (Swords): Five of Cups, Four of Cups, Six of Swords.
The Present:
There are three air cards (Swords): Five of Swords, Three of Swords, Two of Swords.
The Future:
There is 1 air card (Swords) followed by 1 earth card (Pentacles), followed by 1 air card (Swords): Ace of Swords, Queen of Pentacles, Queen of Swords.
My overall interpretation:
We in the United States were disillusioned, now we're arguing, but everything will be okay.
But like, duh...anyone who's even half paying attention to what's going on now could've said the exact same thing without doing a tarot reading, right?
Well, yeah, probably. But, the cards are communicating that the spirit realm is confirming that, and reassuring that everything will turn out okay, if we work on it.
More specifically on The Past:
The Five of Cups says that we citizens of the U.S. were feeling disappointed with the way things were going. That we felt we were not being heard by our government, and we felt our voices were lost. Like the country we all loved had betrayed us. We saw only the disappointments and failures. We did not, could not, would not see that all was not indeed lost.
The Four of Cups says that we got burned out by our disappointment. So much so that we could not see, or didn't care to see, that the hand of God was working on our behalf to better things. Because we could not see this guiding hand, we felt like our voices didn't matter, so why bother caring. Like, my 1 vote doesn't matter, so why bother voting at all. Like we just decided to concentrate on "me" and let go of the stress of worrying about things we felt we could not change. A lot of us just stopped paying attention and we drank the Kool-aid.
The Six of Swords says that our long journey of disappointment, disillusionment, and hopelessness came to an end. The woman is sailing out of the Past into the Present. The sun was setting on the previous 2 cards, and then we entered the night. While we slept, we were carried out of our fog. And even though there were swords stuck in the bottom of our boat, some by ourselves and some by our enemies, we did not sink. Fear not. There is hope.
More specifically on The Present:
The Five of Swords says that after our boat ride through the night, through our disillusionment, we wake up to a new day of realizing there is deliberate deceit at work. That there are people claiming to be heroes who are not at all what they claim to be. That those people do not deserve to be heralded. We now see that some people in power who claim to be on our side are not; they are on their side. Most of us who were asleep are now woke and are paying attention again.
The Three of Swords says that now that we are waking up and seeing the deceit around us, we are angry. We are mad at the deceivers. We are mad at ourselves. We are mad at our neighbors, friends, and family. We are just mad. And as we work things out, we fight not only the deceivers, we fight ourselves as well. But we need to see that through all the fighting, we are arguing over the same love for our country. The storm can clear, and there can be a resolution, a healing.
The Two of Swords says that not everyone sees a problem going on in the United States. While some citizens are woke, some are not. Those who are not yet woke, don't see, can't see, or won't see why some people are so angry. Those citizens who have removed their blindfolds need to realize that not every U.S. citizen has done so. Yelling at someone that there is a problem when that person does not, cannot, or will not see that there is a problem is getting us nowhere. Those with blindfolds still on, are not responding to the yelling and the anger. We need a different approach. Even those who are woke are not moving us forward when all we do is yell at each other. We've created an "us" vs "them" atmosphere and we need to be creating a "we" atmosphere.
Where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.
More specifically on The Future:
The Ace of Swords says if we come together to create that "we" atmosphere, we can and will triumph over this storm of anger. Our success will require everyone to dig deep inside themselves and find the strength we each need to start discussing rather than arguing so that we can bring about real change. If we can do that, we will heal ourselves, and that is something to be celebrated.
On Earth...
The Queen of Swords says after all our suffering, the light of truth will shine. There is light at the end of the tunnel. it is in Heaven.
Have faith and hope, United States. This too shall pass. We shall heal.
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