Tuesday, January 19, 2016

My Go 'Round with a Raw Fruit and Vegetable Cleanse

I found my way to the book by Anthony William, aka the Medical Medium, titled Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal: Medical Medium.

I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and this book intrigued me after reading a sample chapter online.  I ordered the book and read it as soon as it arrived.

I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that Anthony communicates with Spirit.  I actually remember communicating with that same Spirit while in Heaven.  I know that Spirit speaks the truth.  Which is why I embarked on the 28-Day Healing Cleanse.

My mom had Mono when she was younger and therefore had/has the Epstein-Barr virus, and that I too got the Epstein-Barr virus.

My stress event trigger was when I was killed and returned to my body during my Freshman year of high school.  The events leading to that event and the subsequent trauma and eventual emotional healing are detailed in my book Time to Shine.

I moved to Las Vegas, NV in 2002 and I've very slowly been physically healing.  The sun helped.  A few years after my move, I found an Iridologist who also did foot baths using a machine called Q-befe (now called QEnergySpa).  The very first time I used the QEnergySpa, I was having trouble breathing because of smoke in the air from several surrounding forest fires. By the end of the session, I was able to breathe deeply.  Just before moving out of Las Vegas, my low back had been hurting without relief (an unusual symptom for me) so I spent some of the dwindling money I had left and went for one final foot bath.  During that session, my feet tingled and itched a lot. Afterwards, I looked at the water and there were several tiny black specks floating in the water (not usual for me). Later that night, I noticed my back had stopped hurting.

Since moving to St George, UT, I found a chiropractor who also does natural healing.  One of the natural healing devices he had in his treatment room was a bio-energetic screening system called Asyra.  The results of that scan listed, among other things, Lyme and the Epstein-Barr virus.

So, over the last 14-ish years, I've been slowly detoxing, and while I felt better than I did in high school and in my 20s, I still had physical issues.  The Medical Medium and Spirit explain in Chapter 3 of the book, "Epstein-Barr is responsible for mystery illnesses of every category: For some people, it creates fatigue and pain that go unnamed.  For others, EBV symptoms prompt doctors to prescribe ineffective treatments, such as hormone replacement.  And for so many people walking around with EBV, it gets misdiagnosed."

I dove in to the 28-Day Healing Cleanse. I bought all organic fruits and vegetables.  I prepared smoothies and salads on December 31st so that I was ready to roll on January 1st.

For 2 days I did pretty good. I couldn't stand to eat my salad without using a little bit of Hidden Valley Ranch dressing to help cover up the taste of the healthy celery and carrots (not my favorites).

On January 3rd, I drove down to Las Vegas to do Christmas with my friend; we met for lunch at Sushi-Mon where it's All-You-Can-Eat sushi.  I ate mostly the veggie sushi options, but I did have a Caterpillar roll (has eel), a JJ roll (has tempura crabstick), and Tomago nigiri (has egg), and, of course, they all had sushi rice.  Although I ate a lot, about 2 hours later, on my drive home, I started to feel a bit light headed and it was an interesting drive home.

On January 4th, I laid in bed all day with a headache.  By January 5th, I was eating cooked vegetables in mushroom broth with spices (like cilantro and turmeric) and black rice ramen noodles.

I didn't want to ruin the cleanse by eating fast food or dairy or meat or sugar, but I needed to not feel like I was sick.  Though, I've heard that's probably the detox happening.  I started taking Epsom salt baths to help with the detox symptoms, and I started doing the Aqua Detox foot baths at my chiropractor's office.

My chiropractor found evidence, through muscle testing, that I was clearing viruses.  And, when I went to the dentist for my cleaning, the dentist said that the irritated spot on my gums (which I didn't even feel) was actually a gland that was likely irritated by some virus.

I prepped another round of smoothies and salads for week 2.  The salad was better tasting...probably because I didn't add celery this time.  And the smoothies were a bust because I blended blackberries not realizing the seeds would be very unpleasant to drink/chew.  I ended up filtering the smoothies every day.

The detoxing/healing is working, but the salt baths and the foot baths weren't helping fully though and I found myself still with headaches and tiredness and running out of energy quickly.  

I increased the amount and frequency of my fruit and vegetable intake, and I'm enjoying eating lots of fruits.


But, I ended up eating some raw food bars and the occasional Brazil nut. And, I ended up still eating the occasional bowl of mushroom broth veggie ramen and also the occasional Dr Praeger's vegetable cake while incorporating raw veggies.

I've got smoothie ingredients and salad fixings ready for week 3, but I've decided that I need to do pretty much what I've been doing and eating some foods outside of the raw fruit and vegetable guides and eat foods that are more within the Healing Foods area of the Medical Medium's chapter on Epstein-Barr Virus, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Fibromyalgia (Chapter 3) and also the chapter on What Not to Eat (Chapter 19).

It'll be a slower road to health, but the faster road was just too much for me to handle at this time. I'll keep eating healthy.  And, maybe I'll try doing a short raw fruit and vegetable cleanse every once in awhile, or maybe even a 1-day juice cleanse.

So, while I know Medical Medium and Spirit are giving worthy advice, I gotta do what I gotta do; I gotta listen to myself and do what I feel is right for me.

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