Towards the beginning of February, I was keeping up with the food prep. But then I looked at my bank account. All this healthy eating during the winter months is adding up money-wise real darn fast. So, I decided to "cool it" and space out the nights when I was eating salad, and I let my smoothies run out for a day or two before I made another batch.
On February 11, I decided to go down to Las Vegas for the night. I stayed for free (thanks to MyVegas app and Mlife) at New York New York. I went down to eat food, watch movies, and do a little bit of shopping.
While in Las Vegas, I ate whatever I wanted to while trying to not go completely off the rails. I didn't want to have an energy crash like I did the last time, and I wanted the head ache to go away. I figured if I ate more, that would effectively get rid of the headache (it worked).
Lunch at Archi's: Chicken Red Curry Lunch Special
Dinner at Chin Chin (at NYNY): Kung Pao Chicken
(I ended up eating only about half because it was over sauced.)
Dessert at Perfect Scoop: Taro Macaron with Vegan Green Tea Ice Cream
Breakfast at Tom's Urban (at NYNY): Create Your Own Omelete
(I ended up not eating the hashbrowns (had cheese) or the toast.)
The best tasting of the food I ate this trip to Vegas was that Macaron Ice Cream Sandwich. It was delicious! And it was dairy-free. I figured that maybe I could indulge once in awhile.
And, before I left Vegas, I stopped at Juice Standard to get a February Only drink called "Bee Mine" to drink on the drive home and 4 WHealthy juices to drink for the next 4 mornings.
Once I got into town, I stopped at a new store called Truffles Market and got 3 ready made meals to take home. This place is very small and it's like half store, half restaurant.
Quninoa with chicken, an egg, and avocado.
Gelato made with hemp milk (dairy-free)
Steel cut oatmeal with banana and strawberry
Egg and peppers
Thankfully, I had gotten these ready made meals, because I was so tired and so hungry, and I had not done any food prep before leaving for Vegas. I figured that I'd do the food prep the day after I got back, but that ended up not being the case.
The day after I came home from Vegas, my left shoulder froze up. Darn sugar. That macaron ice cream sandwich was delectable, but it was too much sugar for my body to tolerate any more. After a few days, the sugar cleared from my body and my shoulder un-froze. But, when I went to the Chiropractor, he discovered that my shoulder still had issues.
Still with no food prep, I started eating the chicken corndogs that were in the freezer. I just wanted food and I didn't want that headache that I get.
And, I finally decided to try the purple potatoes I'd bought awhile ago. With the potatoes, I ate frozen asparagus. This was my 1st time eating purple potatoes; they were good! This seemed healthy, but I ended up cooking them both in lots of olive oil.
So, I felt that I had recovered from the sugar enough to try getting in some exercise by doing the St. George Area Parade of Homes. I got my ticket and I planned my route in an order that was different from theirs so I could end up near food after 4 to 6 houses. I didn't want to mis-manage my food intake compared to my energy output like I did when I was in Vegas in January.
On day 1, I toured 14 of the 28 homes. I stopped for a snack and lunch while I was out, and I got dinner to take home with me. At the end of the day, I'd taken a little over 9,000 steps.
Muddy Bees Bakery: Gluten-free blueberry muffin and coffee
Ka'ili's: Herb-infused lemonade
Ka'ili's: Fresh seasoned cake noodle with grilled pineapple and teriyaki chicken
Breakfast at Tifiny's: veggie crepe and fresh fruit crepe
On day 2, I toured the other 14 homes. At the end of the day, I'd taken a little over 11,000 steps.
Cafe Allure: Santa Fe Chicken Grilled Wrap and a Coconut Berry Smoothie
Bombay Cafe: mixed veggies
When all was said and done for the Parade of Homes, I had successfully eaten enough food to keep up with my energy output for those 2 days.
However, I ended up getting sick. Maybe some sort of cold or flu. I was extremely tired, nauseated, and I had a fever. I still had not done food prep, so I didn't have really healthy food to help support me.
I did have some fruit in that I'd bought a few weeks earlier that was on the verge of going bad. I mustered up enough energy to cut all of it up and put it in 1 large bowl. I ate from that bowl over the next few days.
I finally felt better, so I made smoothies with every frozen fruit that I had left in the freezer. I ran out of coconut water for the last 2 servings, so I used boxed apple juice. Thankfully, the mix of fruit actually tastes good together.
And after resting for a couple of hours, I did salad prep with the veggies I bought a few weeks ago. Thankfully, it all looked good enough to still make an edible salad.
The following day, I needed to go grocery shopping. I sucked down one of the smoothies I'd made and I went to a new store in town. Had a moment to eat lunch before going to my chiropractor. Then I had to get the car checked and registered. After that, I was off to another store to deal with prescriptions and get the few items that I couldn't find at the other store. I got home and grabbed a drink before having to go back to the pharmacy to get another 2 prescriptions they'd missed. After another hour of waiting at the pharmacy (they said it would be only 20 minutes), I finally got home and was able to eat dinner.
My lunch.
My dinner.
My dessert.
After that exhausting day, I went overboard for breakfast the next day.
An entire package of Applegate chicken breakfast sausage.
The next day, I ended up ill again. I lost 4 pounds in 1 day. My stomach was so upset, that when my mom mentioned she was going to go get Wendy's for dinner, I asked her to get me their largest sized French fries. I ate those and most of hers too.
Not sure if I got a cold or the flu, or if all the sickness was a detox response.
The healing that I have noticed, is that I have not had to take any Zyrtec. This time of year, I have usually been irritated by the high tree pollen this time of year. But not this year. So, I need to stay away from sugar and keep eating healthy so I can keep healing. And I need to support myself by doing food prep.